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Summer's Here! Time for Music Lessons!

School is out, and SUMMER IS HERE! Can you believe it? Why not make music lessons a part of your child’s summer plans? There are several advantages to summer music lessons, and here are just a few: 1. Flexible Scheduling – We offer flexible scheduling during the summer so that you may conveniently schedule summer music lessons around vacations, camps and other fun summer activities. 2. Time for Something New – Perhaps your child has shown interest learning to play the piano or taking voice lessons. Summer is the perfect time to try something new! 3. Greater Focus – Without the worries of homework, sports games and practices, and other school-time activities, your child can devote time and attention to their summer music lessons and practice. Better focus leads to better practice!

4. No Backtracking - When students take a full summer break from their lessons, it only means one thing - time to backtrack in the Fall! Everyone knows that saying, "If you don't use it, you lose it." This is true in all disciplines including learning how to play an instrument or using proper vocal technique. Instead of backtracking for the first month or two in the Fall, our students use their summer music lessons to keep making progress! Call 678-667-4643 TODAY to schedule your child's summer music lessons!

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